Thursday, 26 August 2021

Welcome back to HK fritids HT21

 Hey everyone, welcome back to school and fritids!

Thanks for your participating in our Kick off week!

Friday, 2 July 2021

Happy Summer Vacation

 Vecka 27-30 är HK fritids stängd.

 Glad sommar!


Personalen på HK Fritids


HK Fritids will be closed on week 27-30.

Have a nice summer vacation!           

Best wishes,

HK Fritids Team


Monday, 31 May 2021

Friday, 21 May 2021

Lost and Found( Jackets and shoes)


Hi everyone!

Those are all of the jackets and shoes we have collected in our Lost and Found Boxes. We will take those two boxes to the ourside in the afternoon, so that parents and students can come and find the lost jackets and shoes. We plan to throw away unclaimed jackets and shoes next Friday.Several other boxes (Rain coats, pants etc.) will be clean out in the next few weeks before summer vacation.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Fritidshemmens dag 2021

Hi All!

Yesterday the 11th May we celebrated our “Fritidshemmens dag”(Fritids day) in the school yard with our fritids students. We made a finger painting flag and had different activities, such as face painting, outdoor games. The kids also got cinnamon buns and juice. What a fun day! Thank you to the Fritids team and thank you all the kids for participating.

Fritids Team

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Lost and found


Lost and Found

There is a Lost and found area in the main hallway of our school. We put the losts clothing or stuff into different boxes by category. If your child has lost any clothing and wants to find it, please tell the Fritids teacher in the morning 8:00-8:30 or in the afternoon 15:00-16:30, and we will arrange for you to find it. If some items are unclaimed for a long time, we will inform you when they will be thrown away on our fritids blog.

Good morning , Just a quick reminder that we will close this friday kl 16 . Please have the organise so that your child will be picked up before kl 16.

Thursday, 22 April 2021


A few imaginative landscape compositions from the theme "Environment"

In this theme, we are also discussing and learning how to take good care of our environment.

Bringing out the creativity in every kid which is foundatuion if their educational jounrney ! :)


Wednesday, 21 April 2021

kristi himmelsfärd day

Hi all please can we fill the form out for the kristi himmelsfärd day 14th may 2021 . This is so we can get thing organized for the day.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Nature Club 16/4

 Nature Club 16/4

We had our Nature club last Friday, our topic was “RECYCLING”- Helps in keeping the environment clean. Reduces the amount of waste produced. Helps in the conservation of many non-renewable resources. Kids learned “All about recycling”, for example: 

  • What is recycling? 

  • Which Materials Can Be Recycled?

  • Why Is It Good to Recycle?

  • How Do We Recycle?

  • Where Do We Put Our Recycling?

  • How Is Rubbish Recycled? 

We divided the kids into four groups and played Kahoot (quiz game) to learn more about recycling. The kids got a lot of joy in the discussion and cooperation. In the end, we used the recycled materials(toilet paper roll) to make a craft.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Summer fritids

Afternoon guys , Here is the link for the summer fritids holidays sign in form remember the closing date is 14th May so please fill it in. th link has been sent via Admentum -

Nature Club 19/3


Nature Club 19/3

Theme: Right of public access

 We learned about “Right of public access”(Allemansrätten in Swedish)

This is the Right of Public Access

When you are in Sweden you have the right to walk, cycle, ride, ski and camp on any land with the exception of private gardens, near a dwelling house or land under cultivation. We call it the Freedom to Roam.

Sweden’s natural wonders; Swedish Lapland, the Swedish mountains, coastlines and archipelagos are waiting for you to come and discover them.

So come to Sweden and claim your right to enjoy the sights and sounds of Sweden’s great outdoors.

The Right of Public Access is a unique right to roam freely in the countryside. But with this right come responsibilities – to take care of nature and wildlife and to show consideration for landowners and for other people enjoying the countryside. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sums up the Right of Public Access in the phrase ‘Don’t disturb – Don’t destroy.’ 


Friday, 16 April 2021


Thanks to all the fritids kids who were actively engaged to the completion of this master piece in cubism

under my supervision. it was all fun !:) 

Medium used : Acrylic on paper.

Location of work : Futura Hertig Karl Music room.

Title of work : Art of sounds in basic geometry(under the theme- ''Society'')

The Fritids Art club goes on unabated every Tuesday  15:15 -16:00 in the grade Fclass.

The agenda is to bring out the creativity in every kid which is the foundation of their educational jouney! :)

Your kid is highly welcome to be part of the Art club !:)



Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Pasklov Fun

Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a fantasic rest during the holiday and are all the children are excited to be back at school. Here's a few pictures of the fun we had, The children enjoyed plenty of fun with face painting, yoga ,art club and to finish thing off we grilled marshmellow and enjoyed s'mores on friday afternoon .Please keep an eye out for the summer holiday for that will be coming out very soon. Have a nice week.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

We will be closing early 1st April 2021 as its a day before a red day in Sweden, Please make the right arrangement for your child to be picked up before kl 16.00. Also 2nd April and 5th April 2021 Fritids will be closed and reopen the 6th April 2021
Art club ! 🎨✍🏾 With Seth A
The visual representation of human thought to satisfy one’ feelings or desire can be found in all forms of VISUAL ARTS, therefore “Art is for blessedness” Art makes kids optimistic about their future as they become hopeful and the confidence in all aspects of life. Art brings out the creativity in every kid which is the foundation of their educational journey. The Art club helps to develop the kids motor skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking and inventiveness. All kids are highly welcome to join the Art Club for fun and creative learning !

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Good afternoon guys ,Yesterday we had sports club gymnastics where the children looked at the different type of rolls. I made sure that the children knew the right techniques of every roll by demonstating and also the children were given paper instruction to help. Next week we will be putting all the different types of topic into one whole club. I think they will like the next sports club alot so please speak to your children to see if they would like to join and get physically active.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Welcome to HK Chess Club

Welcome to our HK Chess Club on every other Friday(Even weeks) at 15-16 in the Maker Space!

Chess is sometimes described as "the game and sport of thought". Playing chess means training in thinking. We are convinced that this is exactly what giving students training in thinking is one of the most important contributions chess at Fritids club can make. Chess develops the ability to see how a problem can be solved in a variety of ways, it trains the ability to plan ahead and make decisions and see the consequences of the decision. In our Chess Club, the concept of teaching must be given a broader interpretation. That is emphasized that children's interest should be captured and played, new ways of working and learning methods should be rewarded. It is also emphasized that children should be encouraged to try their own ideas, solve problems and put ideas into action. In addition, they must be challenged so that their creativity develops, their curiosity and confidence in their own ability.

“Chess is played everyday around the world and brings people of different cultures and backgrounds together. Let's take a look at the top 10 benefits of learning and playing chess!

  1. Brings people together.

  2. Teaches you how to win and lose.

  3. Helps children.

  4. Can help you focus.

  5. As an educational tool.

  6. Develops creativity.

  7. Builds confidence.

  8. Develops Problem-solving skills.

  9. Exercises the brain.

  10. Helps you to be calm.”  (


Jerry and Joakim

Good morning here is a little insight into lunch and the breaktime activities that we have for the children here at Hertig Karl. The games are there to engage the children during the breaks and are all filled with fun and excitment.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Good Morning hope we all had a good weekend this is the last week to for sign up for the easter holidays, the last day to sign up your child is the 25th March.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Happy Thursday everyone nearly weekend , Yesterday we had sports club with Darren we focused on the art of travelling and balance . We had 32 children having fun and engaged in physical Activity. Every time the children attend sports club they will recive a certificate of participation,Take a look at the photos of the fun we had.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Sports club today will take place in the sports hall from Kl 15.00 to kl 16.00 with Darren. Today we will look at Gymnastics and the concept of movement and balancing.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Monthly letter for March - April 2021 Hi all here is a link to the fritids letter March to april this has a lot of infromation for up and coming events and activities in fritids.

Friday, 12 March 2021


Hi all just a reminder that the sign up for the easter holidays are up and running please remember to sign up berfore the 25th of March to register your child for Fritids. This has been sent via Admentum.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Warm welcome to our new fritids page lots of information will be posted here so keep your eyes open for whats happeing at futuraskolan Hertig Karl.